The night of St. John, June 23rd, the shortest and most magical night of the year.
 The night of St. John, June 23rd, the shortest and most magical night of the year.
 The night of St. John, June 23rd, the shortest and most magical night of the year.
 The night of St. John, June 23rd, the shortest and most magical night of the year.
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The night of St. John, June 23rd, the shortest and most magical night of the year.

Enjoy this magical night in the company of friends and family in one of our houses Villenpark Playarena,Casla Canyelle,

In Catalonia it is called the Revetlla of Sant Joan, the night of the fire or the night of the Witches.

It highlights the flame of the Canigó, which descends to hundreds of villages to ignite the bonfires. Gastronomically They usually accompany the family gatherings at dusk with the coca of San Juan, of Recapte or of Greaves. Numerous orchestras enliven the different neighborhoods of the city, throw firecrackers and there are also many parties on the beach until the wee hours of the morning.

Our magnificent beach of Cala canyelles is lit with colors and music, enjoying a magical night in a paradisiacal corner of the Costa Brava. The restaurants on the beach offer special menus for the occasion and live music.

Choose one of our homes to enjoy with your friends and family of a wonderful day, celebrates the summer solstice with Cava and coca from San Joan.

We wish you very good verbena of San Juan.

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